How to Open a Frozen Car Door | Mr. Locksmith Automotive Blog
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Hi, I’m Terry Whin-Yates. This video is on how to unfreeze your frozen car door.
The most common cause of the locks being frozen if people have washed their car, so that the whole door’s frozen. The easiest, quickest way is you get some windshield lock de-icer or this is windshield and window de-icer. You can make your own. Basically it’s
isopropyl alcohol aka rubbing alcohol.
Just spray the whole sides of the car door. Spray the lock. Spray the sides. Spray all over. It is not going to hurt the car. Stinky, yes. Be careful it is extremely flammable. Just let it seep into the door cracks, handle and lock. You can change the bottle to it to a stream but get it right in there. Get it on everything, and then you can get the door open.
You can make your own lock de-icer, as well as your windshield de-icer. For your lock de-icer just use this rubbing alcohol. This ones 91% isoprol alcohol. This is great just for raw, lock de-icer. If you want to make some windshield de-icer, it works fantastic. Use two-thirds of the high-quality rubbing alcohol with one-third water.
If you’re at home get your hair dryer. Plug it in. There are some 12-volt hair dryers. At home just plug it into an extention cord. Get the hair dryer going. You’re going to blow hot air all down the sides. This is another handy method. If you don’t have the lock de-icer, the windshield de-icer, get a hair dryer. Put an extension cord on it. Just sit there and just heat up the whole door, all the edges, all everything, as well as the lock. This works pretty good. Takes some time, but it works great.
So I hope this has been of help to unfreeze your frozen car door.
So I hope this has been of help to unfreeze your frozen car door.
If just your car lock is frozen visit my Blog How to Open a Frozen Door Lock.
WD-40 for Frozen Locks
Lock De-Icer for Frozen Locks
Isopropyl Alcohol – Rubbing Alcohol for Frozen Locks
Windshield De-Icer for Frozen Cars
Mr. Locksmith Terry Whin-Yates
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